Radical Face Are Us
Tracking Radical Face From Beginning to End!

BNL: Grinning Streak

Anywhere you’re gonna be, that's where we wanna be - in your ears! JD and Nick are back in the “studio” again and welcome another guest - Caleb Waldvogel of Sparkplug and Political Lizard - to discuss Grinning Streak. We talk about literal and metaphorical swimming references, the odds of falling in love in a bar while blaring music from your pocket, Ed’s Atheism, and stalkers coming in a bit too hot! Be sure to check out Sparkplug & Political Lizard!

https://politicallizard.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SparkplugUS

Contact Us: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Facebook.com/BarenakedLadiesAreUs Twitter: @Jdwaldy Instagram: @Jdwaldy

This Week's “Something Fantastic”: JD: Beginners by Christian Lee Hutson Nick: Future Islands Caleb: Four Arrows by Great Grandpa